Reiki Master

The Reiki Master course at Santego Institute is designed to elevate students to the level of teachers in the Usui method of Reiki. This comprehensive program requires no prerequisites and spans 18 weeks for part-time in-class learning or 8 months for correspondence, totaling 146 hours. It encompasses a blend of classroom and distance learning, focusing on energy concepts, teaching methods, and practical applications of Reiki. The curriculum covers muscle testing, energy balancing, emotion clearing techniques, anatomy, physiology, business, pathology, meditation, intuitive training, and Reiki levels 1 through Master. Assessments include written and practical exams, case studies, and a focus on professionalism and attendance.

Book A Discovery Call

This 30-minute holistic education consultation is designed to help you navigate the path toward becoming a holistic health practitioner. During our call, we will:

  • Understand your interests and motivations in pursuing holistic health studies.
  • Discuss the Reiki Master certificate course we offer and how it aligns with your goals.
  • Guide you through the curriculum, course requirements, and what you can expect from each program.
  • Outline the next steps in your enrollment process and how we can support your educational journey.

Instructions for Prospective Students:

  • Ensure you provide a valid phone number or email address when scheduling your appointment for seamless communication.
  • If you have any specific areas of interest or questions about the courses, please prepare them in advance to maximize our consultation time.
  • Feel free to send any preliminary information or documents you believe would be relevant for our discussion via email before our meeting.
  • We look forward to speaking with you and helping you embark on your journey toward a fulfilling career in holistic health.